Saturday, January 22, 2011

yarny goodness

got an order in and i'm in love...i will be ordering more. without doubt.

first without flash, second with. you get the idea of the colors. gorgeous. the orange is for some test mitts i have yet to start. the darker one is for my star-crossed slouch that i will start in 5(ish) projects. and the other two? who knows :)

and on a mom related topic. 3 nights ago we had a rough night with our gal and daddy decided he couldn't take it anymore and she should be weaned. So lets just say I forgot about how full and painful weaning would be! Crazy, can't wait until it's over. She's taking it very well for how attached she seemed. I wanted to wait until she was 2 (I'm pretty sure that's what WHO recommends), but I did hate breastfeeding. I feel bad saying it, like I'm an awful mom or something, but it just was not enjoyable for me. I only did it for her. The benefits are just too great to pass up. 


  1. Gorgeous yarn!
    How is the weaning going? I wanted to let you know, albeit a little late, that sage tea really helps with the engorgement. I am sorry that you didn't enjoy nursing. I always wean around 1 year because I get to the end and want my body back. I encourage you to not feel guilty. WHO reccomendations, as great as they sound, do not take into account the wonderful food choices that we have here. Your baby got an excellent start, and you should pat yourself on the back for going as long as you did. Good job, Mama! :)

    1. thank you for your suggestion. We nixed the weaning idea. She turns 3 this april & is still nursing. & I just had another baby this september so I've started the process all over again! our nursing relationship is a bit rough at times, with a new baby she gets jealous & wants to nurse all the time plus i have a lot of milk now so she's loving that. right now I am waiting for her to wean herself, but she seems to be taking her time!
