Friday, September 24, 2010

First Post!

This is my first post in hopefully a long line of blogging to come. 
          So my beginnings as a knitter started with my grandmother, she helped me knit a big red scarf when I was about 10. She sent me home with the project and I knit and knit and knit some more, until I realized my scarf was huge, way bigger than anticipated. She had never taught me how to bind off and finish the scarf. I waited on the project for a while but my parents never got the chance to take me to grandmas before I got too impatient and tried to figure it out myself. I unraveled a lot of the extra scarf in the process and ended up just tying the end of the scarf into a big knot! I would say my first project and experience as a knitter was a bit of a failure. I gave up. 
         Fast forward about 14 years and after having our daughter I discovered cloth diapers and dug into it. Turns out knitted wool makes the best covers for us so instead of purchasing diapers & covers and doubling our cost (and part of cloth diapering is the point of SAVING money) I started trying to make my own and that is where I am.

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