Friday, October 29, 2010


Well since a big box of yarn sitting on my kitchen table doesn't get my table any closer to being usable (which I've been trying to do for at least a year) I had to find some way to 
  1. Hide it from a curious & troublesome toddler
  2. Keep it accessible while said toddler is sleeping in the 1 bedroom
  3. Display it (who doesn't want to see beautiful colors of yarn?)
Well being on a budget I am unable to go out and buy any shelving. Our living room just got rearranged the other day and I love how it looks so I also didn't want any big bulky dressers that not only would hide the yarn in drawers but ruin what little feng shui my living room has to offer. Luckily I'm resourceful and had some plastic drawer containers from when we first started cloth diapering. We stored our diapers & covers in it but have since moved those to a dresser for her and a diaper stand. It's been sitting in our closet with prefolds that I rarely use and extra sheets (which can just be thrown on a shelf in the closet.) So I whip it out, empty it and tada!!!
Wonderful! I can see my pretty yarns, my daughter can't get into it and doesn't even seem to care about it, and it fits right under our desk so it's out of the way but I can pull it out when I need to get into it. 

I love it! There is only a little bit of room for more yarn though so I'll have to start knitting some of it up pretty quick. I wanted to keep my wool separate for now so I have that in my knitting bag, it is what I use most often after all. 

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